Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sunday musings

I've been working on this 5x7 inch piece off-and-on for months. I'm finally happy with the textures and color palette. The starting point for most of my current pieces is text torn from books that I glue vertically onto a surface; I have a lutradur, lace, and cheesecloth piece in the works that also has the addition of text. During a recent culling of magazine clippings I noticed my fascination with vertical lines - what's with that? Why not explore it? The difficulty with this piece was figuring how to apply paint in vertical lines without hard edges. I wanted the result to look like paint had been dripped on without actually dripping the paint; why do answers appear at 3am?

The second goal for this piece was incorporating the cast clay face into the piece rather than "on" the piece.


Krishna said...

Hi Gail.
Enjoying reading a bit more on your blog. Having trouble extracting myself from the computer at the moment. There is far too much going on. I was reading what you were saying about "vertical lines" featuring in your work. I am a felter and I find felting designs tend to be circular. I would try and get away from this, thinking it was all getting the same. But now I have decided to embrace the roundness of my life.LOL
Love your latest "stuff"

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog.
I haven't done a lot of felting but while I was writing the post on my
blog I wrote a note in my journal "explore vertical lines with felting."
One never knows when and where ideas will strike!

Penny said...

This is really interesting Gail, certainly looks like an old wall with peeling paint, some where in Italy.
sorry I havent been posting much, too many other things but I do read the posts.

Unknown said...

That's the look I was going for; peeling paint akin to that on a kiosk. The texture isn't as apparent in the photo as it is in person.

PennyBlue said...

I absolutely ADORE this piece. It looks like you achieved all your goals! Splendid!