Sunday, September 23, 2007

Happy Fall!

I've been waiting all summer for Fall to start; it's finally here! Not only am I expecting it to be cooler but this week marks our one year anniversary of living here. I hate to admit it, but I finally feel like I'm home. Maybe it takes a year to settle in to new surroundings or perhaps now that most of the work has been done in the yard and house I can relax and enjoy the house. I would however like a screen door for the bedroom door that leads out to the patio. The door requires a custom made screen door; I haven't been able to purchase ready-mades such as window treatments or a front entry gate so why should this door be any different? The temp is supposed to go up into the 90's and maybe hit 100 by Wednesday, but a screen door would have been nice this week. The windows in the bedroom aren't easy to reach being that they're behind furniture so a screen door must be in my future.

There is a palm tree in the yard behind us that I've decided to enjoy, even though I'm not fond of them. I've been waiting for one or two of the fronds to grow high enough to photograph against the sky. Last week it happened! Up until now part of the roof was always visible in any shot I got. Course I could have Photo Shopped it out, but sometimes it's nice not to have to do that.


The foliage has been losing its freshness through the month of August, and here and there a yellow leaf shows itself like the first gray hair amidst the locks of a beauty who has seen one season too many. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~Albert Camus

The mellow, messy, leaf-kicking, perfect pause between the opposing miseries of summer and winter. ~Carol Bishop Hipps

1 comment:

Purple Missus said...

For some reason Bloglines hasn't been picking up your new postings for me so I thought I would come over and see what you have been up to, WOW -those lace & lutradur and the ones with cheesecloth are gorgeous, as is your collage piece. But the piece that really does it for me is your 'Sunday Musings'. The background is fabulous. All your work is beautiful.