Saturday, January 13, 2007


Rather than make a card for a special friend's birthday I created a small collage. These colors keep appearing on my palette . . . see below.

"Man's mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimension."
Oliver Wendall Holmes

Yesterday afternoon I had just scanned something I'm working on for a collection of personal ephemera when things erupted once again! Stacy has Petite Mall seizures nearly on a daily basis but there are signs that when I see them I know we're in for a Grand Mall and that happened yesterday. We ended up spending 7 hours in the ER before the doctor was satisfied that everything had been done to prevent another one or even worse the possibility of bleeding out if she injured herself internally! Her potassium levels were low so she was on a two-hour drip to bring that up followed by an hour drip of Dilantin because her levels were low due to the dialysis treatment she'd had earlier but it was the Vitamin K level that really threw me. We'd received news the day before that her vitamin D levels are extremely low and that most likely if she fell she'd break something again, but just knowing that not only might a bone break but she might bleed out to the extent that she might not survive . . . It wasn't a good couple of days!
We were just leaving the ER when the doctor stopped us to say that he'd prefer that Stacy had a CT scan and a shot of vitamin K before we went home. I certainly couldn't disagree with him so she got back into the award winning hospital gown and had the CT done. We didn't get home until midnight making for a lost day of energy today. The ephemera scanning didn't get done today, but I'm hopeful that tomorrow will be better.

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