Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I have one of the worst cases of blahs* that I've had in a very long time! I can't shake off what this FM flare-up is doing to me physically and mentally. Thoughts fly out of my brain as soon as they enter. The pain keeps me awake most of the night and stands in front of me during the day like a prickly stabbing shield. I can't break through the shield so the days become endless and unbearable as I watch them slip away from me. A day not filled with creative pursuits always seems to feel like a wasted day. I know that this won't last, it never does, but when the fare-ups last for a few weeks I mourn the end of each unfulfilled day . . . But, even in the midst of the blahs I wake up optimistic each day. I am a realist, this is what my life is, has been, and will be until it's over; life with a dysfunctional immune system that attacks itself without any reason. I have discovered that the grieving process is the road back to coping mentally. I also know that if I skip this process it will take me longer to break through the shield.

*Blah - lacking interest or general dissatisfation. This sure fits!

(Photo: Close-up of a cactus with script overlay.)

Something exciting is on the horizon! A long-time member of ExpressionVillage has volunteered to be the first Artist-in-Residence! Ginger's enthusiasm is infectious and couldn't come at a better time. Her gift to the group is a life-saver while I find my way back to a better place health-wise. Please check out her work at:
http://gingerfied.blogspot.com/ And if you'd like to join us click on ExpressionVillage under links on this blog.

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