Saturday, July 11, 2015

Saturday Photo-therapy

The yard continues to provide me with 
a cornucopia of images, if I take the time
to look!  

There is a hibiscus that has 1-2 blooms every year! The bush never grows
 even though the one next to it has grown higher than the brick wall
and needs to be pruned. Odd! The above
image is of the bloom that greeted
me today. Blended with texture layers.

 A tall very prickly white cactus that was once a part
of small pot full of succulents and cactus has
been planted in the yard and has now given
birth to 6 babies.
The yearly red blooms are always a source of 
amusement. Both of the images have
 been blended with texture layers

Dove blended with texture layers.


Penny said...


Blue Sky Dreaming said...

This dove with the textured layers is stunning! I once had a dove that set up in a clay pot outside my window when I was seriously ill...felt wonderful to see this dove each a blessing.