Monday, August 16, 2010

Photo tricks

There is something intriguing about aged things and even though I don't use a lot of vintage items in my work I'm drawn to them. I posted the original of this photo of my photo blog and when I discovered a site that generates vintage photos from originals, well, I had to try it out. Where did I find the link? At Photojojo where you'll find more fun things to try. Instant gratification!

And yes, even if you've received a give-away from me before you're more than welcome to leave a comment on the last post for another try.
And what is the mystery photo posted two posts back? It's the top of an eggplant.

Thought for Today
"For me, it's the only goal worth aiming for: a transformation of consciousness that allows me to know that I am no better or worse than any other being. That I simply am." Oprah


Raewyn said...

Gail - I love this photo - it is just beautiful :-)

Marilyn said...

I never would have known that post was the top of an eggplant. I wondered what it was when I saw it a few days ago. It made a very unique photo. This appears to be an agave juxtaposed against a little daisy type flower. Another interesting photo.