Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Van Buren Palm Tree Grove

Bored with the same route I turned up Avenue 60 and down Jackson and then over to Van Buren, yep, the streets are named after Presidents!, and the next thing I knew I was surrounded on both sides of the road by Palms! Yikes! My worst nightmare is to be lost among palm trees. But to my surprise I was instantly drawn to this grove. Grabbing my camera off of the seat next to me I aimed it out of the car window. I was intrigued by the highlights on the tree trunks and the branches hanging from the trees on the left side. This shot is a bit off balance in that it seems to be begging me to wonder what the ground looks like, but then my eye travels to the top of the photo and I know longer care about what is missing.

The temps have finally dropped to the pleasant 70's this week! How marvelous is that?!

A favorite quote:

Meister Eckhart
If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is 'thank you', that would suffice.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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