Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Graffiti Hearts

Hearts, hearts, and hearts.

Rust dyed fabric base. Red fabric heart, patina copper heart, stamped hearts, fabric fragments, acrylic paint, coffee dyed, machine stitched, thread tails. 10x10 inches. (click to enlarge)

Quote: Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. Ralph Waldo Emerson


ART*ticulation said...

I love all the acitivity going on in this piece mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it is wonderful Gail!!!

Val Foster said...

Wow, I second what Darlene said. This piece kind of reminds me of Seth Apter's approach to art. His art is amazing, and so is yours. This is beautiful, and yes, raw. I love raw!!! It's also a collage, but not a "typical or conventional" collage. I like not typical or conventional. I'm drawn to that kind of art!

Once again, I have to say I think our art is similar in a number of ways. I don't know if you agree or not, but that's my take on it.

You go girl, and keep on going. I love visiting your blog and feasting on your art. You are definitely an inspiration to me.
Thank you for that.

Pat said...

This is wonderful, so vibrant.